
Forums / New Teachers / Behavior Management

New Teachers

Behavior Management

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Toni Oyama Toni Oyama 405 Points

As a pre-service teacher, I think effective behavior management is a difficult skill to improve. What supports/strategies can I implement to ensure that students are actively engaging in the material in small group stations? Thanks!

Reina Taasan Reina Taasan 790 Points

Hi Toni! 

I agree with you. From my experiences, as long as you set the expectations of their behavior before you break them up into groups and you are consistent with your rewards and consequences when they meet that expectation or not. A strategy that my current field experience classroom is doing is to praise 3-5 children for their good behavior before you acknowledge students who are showing inappropriate behavior. In this case, you are pointing out how students should look like throughout the activity. I hope that makes sense. Good luck!

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