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Elementary Science

Magnets Lesson Plan Advice

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Anna Flores Anna Flores 570 Points


I created a magnets lesson for my 2nd graders, however there's some things I wanted to include but wasn't sure if I should include them or not. 

One of the thing I wanted to incorporate into the lesson is a book that's will engage the students into the lesson. If you have any suggestions on what I could read to my students please let me know! 

I also wanted to include a a jeapordy game as the evaluation portion of my 5E, but I wasn't sure if they was a good evaluation or if I should stick with my post assessment. Also if I did the jeapordy game is there somewhere I can create an easy jeapordy game and what kind of questions would you suggest I ask. 

Any kind of help or suggestions would be greatly appreaciated! Thank you in advance. 

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

Hello Anna-

I teach high school, so am not sure what questions would be appropriate for your Jeopardy game. But I have used them with students, and found a website for you to look at to see if any of the suggested templates will work for you.

Lisa Ann Nishihara Lisa Ann Nishihara 780 Points

Hi Anna!

Here are some books on Magnets I found on Epic:

Discover Magnets by  Julia Vogel,

Magnets Push, Magnets Pull  by  David A. Adler,

Step-by-Step Experiments with Magnets  by  Gina Hagler.

I hope these resources are helpful!

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