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Elementary Science

questions for future elementary teachers

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Evelyn Reyna Reyna 190 Points

Hi, my name is Evelyn and I'm taking a course titled, Teaching Science to Elementary Students, at my univesity. As a future elementary teacher in a bilingual environment, my question to you experienced teachers is how can I to get parents and the community be more involved in their childrens' learning of science? About topics or activities can I do in the classroom, to promote that young children enjoy their science period in the classroom and evenually engage in everyday science activities themselves? 

Peggy Ashbrook Margaret Ashbrook 10963 Points

We can look at families from a strength-based perspective--what to they do as part of their daily lives that strengthens children's approaches to learning, curiosity, and problem-solving.

This podcast featuring early childhood science education expert Cindy Hoisington from the Education Development Center, Inc, Growing an Early Interest in Science, has ideas on supporting family engagement with early science learning:

In a radio show, The 1A, the moderator Joshua Johnson interviews four people he calls “the weavers,” people who weave together opportunities for other people, 'doing their part to put trust, empathy, connectedness, and community well-being at the center of American life.' The second segment interviews Alejandro Gibes de Gac, an educator from the Philadelphia area who is eloquent about the value of parents as educators. He says, 'Parents' love for their children is the single greatest, and underutilized, natural resource in education.' 

Also on Youtube: 

Best wishes,



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