
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Need Recommendation: Warm-Ups

General Science and Teaching

Need Recommendation: Warm-Ups

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Leigh Ray Leigh 205 Points

I am teaching 5th and 6th grade science this year. I would like to find some good warm-ups (bell ringers, seat work) that students could do each morning. Any recommendations?

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Lynn Hess 12258 Points


I love bell ringers to get kids hooked as soon as they enter class.

I don't think you need anything fancy. It could be as simple as a photo that students write notices and wonders. It can even pretain to your lesson for the day. I like to use i-stock free photos.


Wonder Photos (External Website)

Peter Schwartz Peter Schwartz 955 Points

Sometimes I'll post a 'Challenge' on the board.  It is a higher level thinking question about something we learned about the previous day.  Students are supposed to discuss it at their table and come up with an answer.  Students know that I randomely call on one student to answer for the entire class.  The idea is for students to feel compelled to either explain the answer to peers (if they already know the answer) or find the anser (if they don't know).

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