Carolina Biological OSE - August 2024p2


Forums / General Science and Teaching / Retiree from Science

General Science and Teaching

Retiree from Science

Author Post
Jeffrey Miller Jeffrey Miller 255 Points

Let's say and why not, you are retiring from science teaching at whatever grade level. Could be, the materials you carefully curated over a lifetime are kept and added to or, in my time as a big city coordinator, left to rot and be thrown out in favor of the latest, newest, most wonderful curriculum. Guessing more of the time, experience is thrown out. There are incentives to start over. Many of these are not enabling incentives for student learning. We used to stand on the shoulders of giants, now we stand on the dictates of standards and state/district/college curricula and what is cost-effective and politically viable. 

The churn of curricula is anathema to science as a human endeavor. 

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