
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Natural Disasters

General Science and Teaching

Natural Disasters

Author Post
Griselda Gonzalez Griselda Gonzalez 390 Points

How much should we teach our studetns about natural disasters?

Chloe Nixon Chloe Nixon 950 Points

Great question! I believe it is important that our students are aware of natural disasters, especially if they live in an area such as the State California where there are forest fires often. I think it is important that they know about whatever natural disaster that may occur where they live and how they should respond to it. However, as for other places, I don't think it is necessary to go into too much detail with your younger students. But, as they get older, we should definitely be educating them more on it because it is an important topic. I hope this helps!


Chloe Nixon

Preservice Teacher

 Wartburg College '24

Samantha Mendenhall Samantha Mendenhall 300 Points

Awesome question! I agree with Chloe. My 8th graders are currently working on their Natural Hazards unit and they are interested in any and all types of hazards. They will be diving into several of them, even though we may not experience them here in Louisiana. This will give them a bigger understanding of the world, how different things happen, what others experience, why they happen in certain areas, and so much more. 

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