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One app I have found to be very useful during the distance learning, is Seesaw. I work at an elementary school that is using this, and the parents and students love it. It is set up by classes and sort of a mini instagram for your class. Teachers can post reminders as well as set assignments for their students. The students can post work and others can comment or like their post. It is a great tool to use when a kid cannot get on the zoom or other way of online learning. They can go into the app and see what they missed! I totally reccommend it!
Hello Alexandra!
Thank you for the tip, I have never heard of Seesaw. Interesting to know that there are many applications to use now to communicate with the students. It seems fun and easy to use, which I think are important characteristics for programs used by younger students.
Hello Alexandra with everything going on today it is good that you have found an app that the parents and students can use for their distance learning. As you mention is a great tool because siometimes there is trouble to log in into zoom or there are parents that have trouble with technology. That app can be use in the classroom even when the distance learning is over.
Hello Alexandra with everything going on today it is good that you have found an app that the parents and students can use for their distance learning. As you mention is a great tool because siometimes there is trouble to log in into zoom or there are parents that have trouble with technology. That app can be use in the classroom even when the distance learning is over.
Hello Alexandra! I have actually used this app during a college course I took in the past before distanced learning was a thing and found it very interactive as students can communicate with each other in what seems like a more personal manner. I've also heard of an app called Class Dojo that works similar to Seesaw and allows teachers to be in direct contact with their student's parents and upload pictures of assignments and students.
Hello, distance learning is something new and can be hard for students to ajust to this new way of learning. However, there are many ways to help students learn and make sure not to fall behind in their learnings just like you mentioned. I love this recommendation you have given about Seesaw. In fact! I myself have used it for a college class that my professor requiered us to download and use. I used it for my Art class and I enjoyed this new way of learning becuase it was simple and fun unlike other websites that can be a bit more complicated for students. I know that this can be an easier way to learn online, however, what about the students who have no access to these resources? What grade levels would you reccomend this app for?
Hi Alexandra! Thank you so much for the app recommendation. I think this will be a useful app not only now, but when ever we go back to teaching in persson. I think this app would be very beneficial for students, parents and educators to ensure that students have all the help and resources available at the palms of their hands when they need them.
Hi Alexandra, My field experience class uses Seesaw as well, and I have been seeing those exact same benefits that you mentioned here. Another great benefit is that students can make their own choices of modifications. They can decide if they want to record themselves as a video, as a picture, drawing, or a writing assignment. This makes it very accessible for lots of different students which I am a fan of. I also love the aspect that teachers can give students quick feedback, and those students can make corrections if needed on those assignments as well. Seesaw is a great online platform that I have seen working wonderfully in elementary classrooms this fall! Thank you for sharing Alexandra.
Hello, Alexandra. I have never heard of an app called Seesaw! It sounds like it could be benefinical to students doing distance learning. With the pandemic going around, I believe this is something that parents and teachers should be aware of to keep track of assignments and updates. Thank you for the heads up!
Are there any other child friendly apps and programs that will make distance teaching/learning easier? Maybe some that are fun and easy to use so students aren't frustrated when doing and turning in assignments, or communicating with their teacher. The easier and more efficient, the better!
Hello Alexandra,
I have never used this app, but I am a substitute teacher and it's interesting to see all the new technology the students have access to. I actually just had a training on the seewaw app to be able to help the students navigate through it. Prior to this app I had only heard of the Class Dojo app which the parent's were able to download and keep in contact with the teacher and it did look somewhat like an instagram or facebook feed page.
Hello! Thanks for the tip! it will be a very good options to some children, as well as adults, right?
I have used this app before when my niece was in the 1st grade and it was very beneficial because I was able to see her progress through the school year as well as communicte with her instructors when there was a question regarding her progress or an assisgnment.