Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


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Research in Science Education

Research Matters!

Author Post
Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 55626 Points

NSTA is pleased to offer this series of conversations with science education researchers whose work has recently been published in the Journal of Research on Science Teaching, published by our affiliate organization, the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Each of their articles has been selected for NSTA’s annual Research Worth Reading list because of its potential to inform your science teaching. Visit the Research Matters page at:

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Thank you, Flavio! I am anxious to read the one about student engagement. I absolutely embrace the method of generating explanations instead of reading about them. I can't wait to read that as well.

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

Flavio - Thank you for sharing. How often will new episodes come out? 

Flavio Mendez Flavio Mendez 55626 Points

Hi Emily,

Thiese have been released once/year.  I need to check with NARST leadership for an update.

Take care,


Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5775 Points

Thank you for sharing! I'm excited to listen to these resources this week. 

Gretchen Thomas Gretchen Thomas 135 Points

Wow, thank you for sharing this. That was such an interesting conversation with Dr. Polman and Dr. Hope about using science in the news to engage students. I really liked that the students were tying together writing skills with research and science in a way that is creative in the writing style. Such an interesting idea!

Jennifer Broekman Jennifer Broekman 535 Points

This link doesn't work for me. I get a '’s server IP address could not be found' error...

Debi Hanuscin Debi Hanuscin 6285 Points

Hello! It looks like this page no longer exists?

Arman Serrano Arman Serrano 535 Points

Thank you for this information Mr. Mendez. I would love to write research for NARST. Hopefully by the end of this year I can finish my research and be able to publish it.

Nikita Hatley Nikita Hatley 4210 Points

Hello, my name is Nikita Hatley, and I'm a student at Henderson State University, where I am an elementary education major. I learned many new things and resources regarding research in science education. I loved how Dr. Polman and Dr. Hope shared their student's engagement in science and the news. Mr. Mendez, I have a question about how I can get my students to be more involved with real-life experience using different science methods compared to Dr. Polman and Dr. Hope.

Allison York Allison York 130 Points

Thank you! This list looks amazing and I am so excited to read through the list you have created and grow my knowledge as a science teacher!

Joan SM Joan 30 Points

Thank you, this is great. Research indeed matters. I don't seem to be able to access the link, however. 

Nadia Green Nadia Green 1770 Points

I love this. Research indeed presents a wealth of information.

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