Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Physical Science / Invention Competition Opportunity: Young Edison Challenge (Entry Free)

Physical Science

Invention Competition Opportunity: Young Edison Challenge (Entry Free)

Author Post
Frank Bonafilia Frank Bonafilia 180 Points

Calling all High School Innovators! Students in grades 9-12 (from around the world) are invited to showcase their creativity by developing an innovative new product or service and nominating their work in the 2023 Young Edison Challenge (YEC). This can be an actualized project, or an idea still in the design stage, so your imagination is truly the limit. (Nominations are free!)

Through support of the Charlotte Community Foundation (Punta Gorda, Florida), the top three student nominations will be awarded a cash scholarship and an invitation to attend the 2023 Edison Awards, April 19-21, 2023.

To learn more, please visit the Young Edison Challenge webpage ( youngedisonchallenge.php)

You can also check out past winners there!


PS: This student competition is modeled after The Edison Best New Product Awards™ nomination process. In a similar fashion, we select winners by scoring the short answer participants submit pertaining to the innovation's Concept, Value, Delivery, and Impact.

Good luck!

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