
Forums / Professional Learning / Forces and Motion with play

Professional Learning

Forces and Motion with play

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Nicole Adams Nicole Adams 450 Points

This article reinforces everything I am being taught as an upcoming teacher and shows how to implement these familiar strategies into a lesson. It shows how to engage students by allowing them to talk with each other and demonstrate playing as a scientific discussion. They were able to use their previous schema and show how science is in everyday life! I loved the emphasis of using props and visuals to help ELLs and small-group work especially allows for deeper engagement and allows for the individual students to think more critically for themselves.


Katie Andrews Katie Andrews 675 Points

I thoroughly enjoyed this article. It provided a great example of how to teach force, motion, etc. I also really appreciated the detail that was given in each of the 5 E's. I am still learning about how to make an effective lesson plan. I always overthink and this article showed me that you can make something that seems so complicated, so simple, yet still so effective. I loved the opening where the teacher asked the kids about what things they play and I appreciated the inclusion on why this lesson also benefits ELL students. Thank you so much for the share! I will be saving this article!

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