I am a preservice teacher learning about standards based grading. I have observed and taught in many classrooms/schools that institute this policy as well. Some schools do not give out homework with standards based grading; whereas, other schools collect homework just on basis of completion. What are some opinions/viewpoints out there about standards based grading in your science classroom? What are some tips for successfully instituting this into a classroom?
Brooke Klostermann
Wartburg College '19
Hi Brooke,
I am a first year teacher in Texas and I have to tell you that things are certainly different in comparision to when I was in school. Homework was provided, expected to be completed, and turned in for a grade however, this is not the case anymore in some schools. Where I am, homework is optional. Teachers are not allowed to take it for a grade due to the fact that the likelihood of it being returned is low. It really varies depending on location.
Since I do not assign nor take grades on homework, I do my best to give mini projects in class where my students are provided a rubric and work in groups. My students grow tired of me talking and enjoy collaborating with their peers more.
I hope this helps,
Hi Brooke!
I am a 3rd year teacher, and I don't take grades on Homework. Within my district we are not allowed to take grades on anything that was sent home due to the fact that most times parents will do the homework for them anyway. However, I do send homework home. The homework that is being sent home isn't a nightly thing, and it usually includes a mathematics page and some type of spelling homework page. This goes home on Monday, and is due on thursdays. You could also assign assignements in Google Classroom. This way, you can tell what the student is truly thinking.
Hope this helps!
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