Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Early Childhood / Montessori and Science

Early Childhood

Montessori and Science

Author Post
Michelle Tensing Michelle Tensing 30 Points

Hi everyone,

I am a Montessori teacher and I was wondering if anyone has some good ideas for some preschool and Kindergarten science experiements or lessons.  We have done a few this year, but I always feel like this is the area most lacking in my classroom.



Katie Guarasci Katie Guarasci 10 Points

Hi Michelle! I just did a lesson on the water cycle and used sandwich baggies of water to illustrate the process of condensation. We taped them to the window and observed what happened to the water over time. Not sure if you've done this already but it is fun and the kids love the hands-on activity!

Kelly Hooker Kelly Hooker 10 Points

Hi Michelle!

In my Montessori science class last year, we all had to make a science lesson. One of the other students in the class brought in a 'blubber mit' she made out of two plastic zipper bags and vegetable shortening. She explained how blubber keeps arctic animals warm, then let the children put their hand in the blubber mit and put it in a bowl of ice water. I thought it was an interesting, hands on way to experience different types of animals. 

Lydia Lucien Lydia Lucien 180 Points


I think this is such a fun way to do a simple and hands-on lesson for early childhood. I've really been trying to brainstorm and read more about ways to create fun activities for my future classroom. I look forward to trying this one day!

Thank you for sharing,


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