
Forums / New Teachers / Engaging students

New Teachers

Engaging students

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Macy Ann Williams Macy Ann Williams 2285 Points

Hi! So im going to be having my first classroom in less than a year and while I am doing the student teaching I have found that with some subjects is t is very hard to get the students engaged. Going over topics such as classroom safety and rules I feel like the students are not engaged and listing to what is going on. How do I get and keep the student's attention and make it engaging while going over the safety procedures?

Brandon Ramirez Brandon Ramirez 685 Points

Hi Macy, 

As a brand new teacher I struggled with this during my first year quite a bit and honestly still do as I find my groove. What I found to work best is just to be absilutely consistent in everything you do with every student. Have rules, follow them, and dont ease off for anyone so that students know when they disrupt what the consequence is. As for the engagement part, it is amazing how much student disruption slows down when they are all interested in what you are doing! I Look forward to see other responses to this post as I am just explaining what I have noticed in my first year, however I could definitely use tips and tricks in crazy situations

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