T. R. Girill Society for Technical Communication/Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab. (retired) [email protected]
Technical Writing: Supporting Authentic Science Notes
Students told to keep a notebook while they pursue a science project (or just read about technical topics) often have little sense of the note-taking challenges that working scientists face and the known techniques for handling them well (Tom Knoll and others, 'User Driven Research of Note Generation Software,' arXiv.org, 6 May 2022, arXiv:2205.02549v2). Recent exploratory work on note-generation software to support busy physicians reveals four issues that could benefit student note-takers as well. More self-aware note taking, and hence more useful technical notes later, could be the result.
The widespread use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) demands that clinicians keep detailed notes on every patient interaction. This is just a public or extreme case of the note-taking challenge that every scientist faces--should I try to take detailed notes during an experiment or observation and risk inattention to the adventure underway, or should I (mostly) defer elaborate notes until (just) afterward and risk forgetting key features worth recording? Knoll and colleagues discovered that real-life clinicians solved this timing issue both ways. Some (usually touch typists) tried to capture all key details as they unfolded, but most (which they called 'sketchers' or 'doodlers') used only brief but incomplete 'place-holder' text to remind themselves of key events or problems in real time, then returned shortly AFTER the clinical session (or experiment or observation) to fill in rich details prompted by their own previous signal text. Students may need to try both timing strategies and make an overt choice to find their own best path to useful, detailed notes.
For obvious legal-liability reasons, physicians generally insist on reviewing any patient-interview notes generated by software. But such critical revisiting is good practice for all scientists and engineers. One's responsibility does not end when one turns the notebook page (or scrolls beyond it). And aside from catching fresh technical errors, such routine review lets the notetaker enrich their observations and conclusions with clarifying second thoughts, comparisons, and cross-references that make each day's notes more helpful for future work (the paper notebooks of famous scientists often show cross-references to other pages, added later by the author).
In the software-generated-notes tests, the participating clinicians were all adamant that any resulting notes should be framed in 'official,' medical/academic vocabulary (names of diseases, conditions, symptoms), not the unofficial, personal vocabulary that patients with diverse educational backgrounds might actually use to describe their own needs. Students are unlikely to face that particular terminology conflict, but a similar issue can arise if they begin a long (e.g. science-fair) project and only later learn the appropriate, relevant terms and distinctions. This is another place where self-editing early, informal notes into learned-later technical vocabulary can improve the text value for study, reuse, and self-guidance as the work (and the note-taking) continues.
Students mostly expect that they write notes for themselves--to study, guide their project's next steps, or pass a later test. Physicians using EHRs expect the opposite--total strangers will routinely see and study what their notes include (or omit). Science fairs offer students a pivot between these note-audience situations: project notebooks are for the student first, to guide and capture project steps, but later they will be examined, even scrutinized, by strangers evaluating every aspect of the work done. So legible text, relevant drawings or photos, and dated entries or updates on numbered pages are crucial aspects of notes that strangers (eventually) will see.
Taking really useful science notes is a practiced, acquired skill. Early student awareness of these timing, review, vocabulary, and audience issues (pointedly raised by, but not unique to, note- generating software) can accelerate student note-taking success.
[For a big-picture overview of note-taking effectiveness, see http://writeprofessionally.org/techlit/notetips For more on note-taking strategies, see http://writeprofessionally.org/techlit/notetips-analysis]