I am currently living part-time in Nebraska! Are you a member of the Nebraska Association of Science Teachers? They have resources and opportunities to collaborate.
I too was the only ESS or physical Science or Chemistry teacher. If I taught biology, I did the extra section so did have another instructor teaching the same topics. However, my main collaboratoers were my colleagues in other content areas. I talked with the language arts teachers to find out what their writing rubics were for argumentation writings, graphic organizers for note-taking, if there were topics I could complement in science class-as in if students were reading say, Into Thin Air-could we talk about the physiological affects of high-altitude on the bodies of the climbers, genetic differences of the climbers and their sherpas, etc.,the geology of Himalayan mountains, climate and weather data, materials for clothing to protect the climbers from the cold, energy demands-i.e. foods for the climbers, how many calories are needed to maintain functions, etc. The geography instructor often talked about events that affected the economy of areas so my physical science students used their classtime to learn the chemistry and phsyics of incidents such as the Bhopal poisoning, the geology and physics of mudslides (hydrology too).
With the new NE science standards using the Framework for teaching K-12 Science and NGSS, more interdisciplinary content could help you work with your science colleagues in shared projects for your students. The Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) are the same regardless of content, so discussions on incorporating those and the cross-cutting concepts (CCC)-pedagogy as a basis for collaboration. Doing a book study type activity with your science colleagues in your district to learn more about SEP and CCC, the new standards are all common ground topics for collaborating.
Here at the Learning Center is a great place for collaboration, professional interactions as well. There are also listservs with teachers of the same topics and other forums that may help.
Hope this gives you some ideas!