
Forums / New Teachers / Time Management

New Teachers

Time Management

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Sandra Viramontes Sandra Viramontes 2195 Points

How did you decide what to cut out during the day?

Beatrice Taylor Beatrice Taylor 3896 Points

Oh, Wow!! I know that feeling!!!  Always more subject than time!!!!!!!  Unfortunately, the bottom line is you have to make sure you cover what is tested........  Sometimes you can combine things or shorten what you had planned on doing.  However, make sure that you always include some time each day for fun.  You (and students) should look forward to going to school each day.  When that no longer happens, there needs to be a direction adjustment.  Adults have more freedom to go do something else when they get unhappy at a job; kids don't have that option.  The knowledge of what you can 'cut out' comes with more experience........ but the fact that you're asking this question up front tells me that you'll be ahead of the game! :-)

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