Does anyone know about this website (I cant think of the name of it) that I saw another teacher use. It was originally desiigned for archetects but has been designed now for teachers to use to keep their lessons organized. The lesson that I saw allowed the teacher to group the video/lesson and activity all in one.
i don't know which website you referring about but its always good to google the key words and you might be able to find it.
Hi Stacy, Are you sure it's a website? What you are describing sounds an awful lot like Microsoft Office OneNote. This program will allow you to create a virtual notebook that you can create tabs for different subjects/topics/units. Within these tabs you can place anything you want. The nice part of OneNote is you can sync it from one computer, tablet or even your phone so you can have access to all of your files anywhere. I believe there are also some free versions of this type of program. I think one is called EverNote. I have never used Evernote, but have seen some really incredible compilations in both programs.
Thanks for the responses, however I finally found the website. . .it is called Prezi
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