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Forums / New Teachers / How broad should your topic be?

New Teachers

How broad should your topic be?

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Sarah Jones Sarah Jones 1975 Points

When teaching science how broad should you have the topic, such as when teaching the moon phases or seasons? I'm not sure how much information at a time I should give my students. Any information can and will help.

Gabe Kraljevic Gabe Kraljevic 4564 Points

How broad or how deep you teach a subject is entirely up to you. But, if you're student teaching, I would talk to your cooperating teachers for guidelines.  They know the curriculum and their students. You can also contact the science teachers' association in your state/province - they might have resources that can guide you.  Look for PD opportunities in science education - this is where you will get ideas and also make contacts with teachers that can help you out.  You will likely find lots of advice on breadth and depth of teaching your curriculum.

When you're on your own:  curriculum guides will usually have the recommended time allotments for your units - so you can start with that as a guideline.  Start your planning to cover each outcome and estimate how much time that will take - and don't forget to add time for interruptions, assessments, etc.  Also, don't think of your outcomes as separate lessons - you can have one lesson that covers many outcomes, particularly project-based activities.  Sometimes it is better to go deeper than broader, and you should be flexible in going further into a topic that seems to peak the interest of your students.  

I wrote an Ask a Mentor blog related to this: 

Hope this helps,


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