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Elementary Science

Safety Tips For Elementary Science

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Magdalene Munoz Magdalene 470 Points

One thing that I feel that important to take into consideration is the safety of the students as they will be handling science equipment and exploring the outside world. As teachers, we should be able to come up with plans and backup plans to ensure the safety of our students. What are ways we can achieve this goal? 

Anahi Cerda Anahi Cerda 670 Points

Hi Magdalene! This is a very important topic because it ensures not only our safety but most importantly the students. I think if we read some of the informational resources found on NSTA we can gain some perspective on how we can ensure the safety of our students. As per getting training for proper use of equipment hopefully we gain this knowledge from our schools. 

Marcela Jimenez Marcela Jimenez 270 Points

There are various ways that we can ensure the safety of our students when performing science experiments. One way to ensure that our students are safe when performing such tasks can be by giving them a handout at the beginning of each experiment with safety rules/regulations that they should take when performing the procedure that was assigned. Furthermore, I think that it is critical to provide students with ALL of the safety equipment needed to perform the assigned experiment. Students should not be allowed to perform a procedure if they do not have ALL of the safety equipment in hand. 

Melissa Brana Melissa 400 Points

Good afternoon Magdalene! I had kind of the same question about experiments, I believe it is crucial that students are safe in the environment of the class, however how I believe we can achieve it is by consulting it with school supervisors, to let the know the experiments that we are going to have for the semesters and for them to let us know which ones should be safe or not and also if needed they can provide us safety tools for students. That's how I can think of a way we can have plans so the schools is advised and can let us know on what to do in case we need a backup plan.

Amy Lopez-Chapa Amy Lopez-Chapa 720 Points

Hello Magdalene, this is a great point and as future educators we should make sure we practice safety guidelines with our students. It is vital that we make sure we make science experiments as fun and safe as possible. One way would be to make sure we have all the proper PPE in the available in the classroom. We also need to make sure to have safety stataions such as eye wash stations. We also need to make sure that all the PPE is working properly and not defected. 

Irely Bran Irely Bran 460 Points

Hello Magdalene, I agree student safety is crucial. I believe we can achieve this by informing our students on proper behavior when conducting an experiment and how to avoid possible dangers. It is important to set rules in order to aviod accidents. Depending on the age of the students and the type of experiment, a lesson can be prepared before hand on how to prepare for the assignement. Students can help create rules they believe will be helpful to avoid any accidents and promote safety. Because they were part of the creative process, they will feel more inclinded to follow the rules. I do beileve it would be wise to consult a supervisor on the potential experiments so that it may be assessed on safety.

Ariana Hill Ariana Hill 1025 Points


i think starting with having your expectations set in place and this could be done with something like a poster. this can help reduce the possible amount of accidents that may happen.

Nicole Harris Nicole Harris 370 Points

Hey! Here are a few things that you could consider using as safety tips with your Elementary students. Talk with other science teachers and your principal to develop and establish emergency procedures for first-aid, electric shock, poisoning, burns, allergic reactions, fire, evacutions, spills, or animal bites. Find contact information and keep it handy, so that you can contact the appropriate authorities and response agencies, in the event of an emergency.

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