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Ecosystems Materials/Resources

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Sydnee Berning Sydnee Berning 295 Points

I am writing a lesson for fifth grade on Ecosystems, does anyone have any good resources or materials to use when teaching this topic? 

Joyce Dunning Joyce Dunning 695 Points

If you are not familiar with the Mystery Science web site you might check it out. Because it is a fairly new site I believe access is still free right now. They have some really good lessons on this topic.

Have you looked at the educational resources on the Yellowstone National Park site? I volunteer for an organization that does wolf conservation presentations to students in preK to 8th grade classes. We use some of their resources, the video “How wolves change rivers”, and National Geographic resources in our presentations. The kids really enjoy the stories and activities. Regards,

Michelle Lilly Michelle Lilly 40 Points

Hello! I recommend using the local environment as a resource for your science lessons. It makes lessons -about ecosystems for example- that much more relevant and helps the students to gain appreciation for the environment that is around them. I took several Environmental Education classes during my time at college and my favorite class was about Sonoran Desert ecology (which is the desert I live in). I sprinkled information about our natural environment into my student teaching lessons plans and the kids loved it! They were really excited to learn about things that were just outside the classroom, and came to class telling me all about what they were starting to notice. I also wanted to share some of my favorite books that I used during college and for my student teaching lesson plans. I will definitely be using these when I start teaching: -Project WET, Aquatic WET, and WILD – if you ever have the opportunity to take these classes I highly recommend it. The lesson plan resources you receive can be adapted for any grade level and almost all of the lessons and activities are cross circular! -NSTA’s Picture Perfect Science Lesson Books – there are so many of these and they all are wonderful! They even have some for STEM!!! Again, all of the lessons can be adapted for any grade level, and they have trade book resources for every single lesson. -One Small Square Series – I think some of my most favorite resources are trade books. They are so colorful, simple, easy to understand, and accessible to all ages and grade levels. This series has every kind of environment you can think of...I have one on the desert, woods, and coral reef! I hope that helps you, and if not for now, maybe for future lessons! Best of luck to you! I know your students will benefit from all of the hard work you are putting into their learning.

Joselyn Hermoso Joselyn Hermoso 785 Points

Hello. I like this one Joselyn

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

When I'm searching for material, I usually check Explore All Resources at the top menu, then I filter what I'm searching. For example, I typed in ecosystems, then elementary, then lesson plans. I also read the articles that pop up and create a collection in My Library. All of this is in the Learning Center.

Mayra Aguilar Mayra Aguilar 580 Points

I am so glad you asked this question since I am also looking for a lesson on Ecosystems for my 2nd graders. I just visited a couple of the mentioned resources and I completely agree that using local environment as a resource is more relevant to students! I also think it helps students make sense of their surroundings and begin to appreciate it around them. I truly think using personal experiences os stories makes a helpful real-life connection to your topic.

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