
Forums / Distance Learning / Safe Interaction

Distance Learning

Safe Interaction

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Sayda Inguanzo Sayda Inguanzo 490 Points

By the looks of it with this world pandemic we are going to have restrictions everywhere including our classrooms for years to come now. What would be the best way to have students work together in groups but still maintain a safe distance? As young students they tend to go show everything to their friends but what would be the best way to keep everyone in the classroom safe? Finding ways to interact and be able to compare work in a safe way would be great because kids love to interact with one another.

David Ortiz David Ortiz 550 Points

I think mainting that screen, but allowing them to feed of each others idea by encouraging the act of actively engaging each other with the lesson at hand such as:
* using a Tablet to maby docushare and collaborate ideas together and they can edit as the lesson goes.
* using the protocols set by the WHO (World Health Organization) will allow us to somehow let the student engage in a safe manner in which transmission of COVID is minimal.

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