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Early Childhood

Getting All Learners Involved

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Bethani Hoelzeman Bethani Hoelzeman 240 Points

As a pre-service teacher, preparing to start teaching science in an early childhood classroom soon, I have some concerns about students not wanting to be involved while learning science. What advice do you have about getting your classroom learners involved in the science lessons when they are simply not interested? 

Ali Johnson Ali Johnson 190 Points

To get students more involved in the science lessons teachers should be doing lessons and activities that really engage the students! Pick a topic that interests most students. Do to this, you need to really get to know your students, their backgrounds, and what they are currently interested in. Involve activities that are hands on so the students feel more involved. In early-childhood, students need to be engaged at all times, so switch things up and let them move around. I think it is also a good idea to encourage students that they could one day be scientist! Maybe bring in a parents or a community member who's occupation has to do with science, that way your young students can see a real world application and how fun science can really be! If you act excited and interested, the students will too!

Sarah Benton Feitlinger Sarah Benton 1775 Points

In general, you'll find that as long as young children can move and try things out for themselves they will engage. That said, it is possible you'll have the occasional reluctant science student. I'd suggest including many different activities that meet all learning styles- read a story, include movement or pantomime, sing a song, give them something to quietly observe and draw, etc. Give the reluctant learner a special helper job when you are doing a demo, or if dis-engagement is a consistent issue create a science lesson around that student's interests. With early childhood, the key is to keep it fairly open-ended and exploratory, include play and movement! Good luck!!

Victoria Wilt Victoria Wilt 1015 Points

I, too, am a preservice teacher and that has been a fear of mine as well. The more classrooms that I have been in, in multiple settings, the more that I have realized that students will get involved. I believe that the more hands on activities that you have with the students the more fun that they will have while learning. When I am teaching I would look for things that the students are interested in and try to do as much with that as possible. I wish you luck in your journey to being a teacher!

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