
Forums / New Teachers / Soon to be Teacher

New Teachers

Soon to be Teacher

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Jordyn Smith Jordyn Smith 565 Points

Aloha All, 


Teaching is such a rewarding career.  I can't imagine myself doing anything other than this. Every day I look forward to my students learning. From the big accomplishments of getting an A on their spelling test to the small things like remembering to write their name and date at the top of a paper. 


Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92276 Points

Hi Jordyn!

It is so wonderful to hear and almost feel your enthusiasm for teaching! If you are able to make it to the next NSTA conference in Boston in April 2020, I hope to say hi in person and tell you, 'Yes!' As a veteran and retired classroom science teacher, I, too cherished the day-to-day interactions with my students, seeing their faces when they accomplished excellence in the small and big things alike, and going home with joy in my heart for having the opportunity to be their teacher.  

One of the things I love about the NSTA Learning Center forums is that we can share both our experiences and those excellent resources that we have come across as we spend time in the NLC reading articles of interest.  I came across this resource that had some great ways to implement how to draw our students' questions out and enhance our teaching and their learning:  Methods and Strategies: Responsive Teaching (Embracing Students' Divergent Questions)

I hope to see more posts from you as you continue your teaching career!  Thank you for sharing.


Carolyn Mohr

Adjunct Professor


Kayla Duran Kayla Duran 20 Points

Hi Jordyn,


As an upcoming teacher myself, I totally understand your excitement! The thought of putting together my very own classroom and being able to have my own students to fill with kowledge makes me very eager to take on what the future has in store for me. I also look forward to building relationships with my fellow teachers and future parents and really utilizing them to create a strong system for my students and myself.

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