
Forums / Early Childhood / Future Teacher

Early Childhood

Future Teacher

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Kimberly Hernandez Kimberly Hernandez 200 Points

Hello educators! I am currently studying to become a teacher. What tips do you recommend if I have a student with a disability? How can I make sure the student does not feel excluded?

Allamanda Rodriguez Allamanda Rodriguez 230 Points

Hello. I recommend that you provide oral and visual instructions for students that have a disability. Make sure you also do your absolute best to acommodate to that child's every need. You can make sure the student doesnt feel excluded by removing all stigmas that pertain to children that have a disability. For example, naturally you might feel the need as an educator to seat the student with a disability at the front of your classroom. However, allow that child the opportunity to sit wherever he/she feels comftorable.                  

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