Winter Group - November 14 campaign


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New Teachers

New Teacher

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Alexis Youngblut Alexis 4151 Points

I am looking for any advice you have for new teachers. I am searching for ideas and ways to incorporate science into other subjects. Also, I am wanting to know different ways on how teachers set up their classroom rules when preparing for an experiment.

Pamela Dupre Pam Dupre 92369 Points

So, we always talk about safety from day one and about how almost every school rule is there for safety reasons. Like, no running in the hall! So then we discuss how to handle materials and everyone has a certain job. I make sure to restate many many many times that I will only be upset if they don't tell me something broke because we can replace things but we can't replace people. I model the way to smell things IF that is part of the experiment. I caution them not to assume something is water just because it is transparent. I wish I had some short quick answer for you but, I feel like I am rambling. Do you teach other subjects? If you mainly teach science, meet with your grade level teachers to see what students will be learning in literature, social studies, math, to see if you can make some connections like vocabulary, or measurement, etc. If you have a more specific question or a more specific lesson, I would be happy to answer in a more precise manner. Congratulations on your new career!

Brenda Velasco Mizenko Brenda Velasco 2695 Points

Which grade are you going to teach? When I taught Kinder, it was all about routines, expectations, behavior for a long time. For many of them it was their first school experience. We took a tour of the classroom, talked about personal space, toured the school etc. We also discussed class jobs, bathroom sign out, noise level expectations, raising hands.. pretty much everything. Now that I teach third grade it's more of a review. We create our class expectations together and write them in a big anchor chart. I try to incorporate science in other subjects I teach, especially math, reading, and social studies. There are many lessons in social studies that I can cross over especially when talking about regions, landforms..etc. I'm doing and ecosystem project right now that has a lot of social studies integrated with it because of the regions. Depending on the unit, I also find books for guided reading that tie into the science that we are doing either fiction or non fiction.

Thank you for this post. I will soon be a new teacher as well, and there is a lot of anxiety with the expectations and responsibilities going into this field. I am most anxious about teaching/incorporating science, so this post has been tremendously helpful. I will continue to check back to see if there is any other advice from teachers/former teachers. What types of lessons have you tried out and liked this far?

Jenna Leonard Jenna Leonard 2125 Points

Expectations, routines and procedures are all very important. Once your students know what is expected from them through routines or rules the classroom will run smoothly and efficiently. You must go through every little step with the students at the beginning right along with them to show them exactly what you want done. If needed I have also seen many acronym posters to help with classroom management that students can use to remember and follow.

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