
Forums / Elementary Science / 5E LESSON PLAN: Properties of Rocks

Elementary Science

5E LESSON PLAN: Properties of Rocks

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Alexis Chavarria Alexis Chavarria 390 Points

Hi everyone! I will be presenting a lesson on rocks to my second grade class and wanted to briefly share the objective and activities I have planned! I would really appreciate any and all suggestions on how I could further expand their knowledge during the lesson.

The objective states students will observe, describe, and compare rocks by size, texture, and color. To do this I have set up stations around the classroom that groups of students will rotate to. Each station will contain a variety of rocks. Students will use their notebook to create a T-chart or table that numbers the rocks on the top of the page and lists the 3 properties (size, texture, and color) going vertically on the page. They will then use their own words to fill in each missing portion of the chart and to describe the rocks in written format. 

I would really appreciate any suggestions on what else students could do in their journals while at a station or possibly what they could do after visiting all the stations and filling in their notebook. Thank y'all! 

I am curious why you are including size. I do like that you are having students make a table for their observations.

Texture may include jagged edges as well but having students look at shape-ragged edges, rounded, etc. might be a nice replacement for size. Then students could use texture and shape to suggest where it might be found or why it is rounded, smooth, rough, jagged.

Also, students could draw the rocks and label colors-if multicolored. 

Alexis Chavarria Alexis Chavarria 390 Points

Hi Bev!

The descriptor 'size' is a part of the TEKS therefore it is required that I incorporate it into both the objective and the lesson. I love your suggestion of having students draw & color the rocks though, thank you!

Thanks Alexis for clarification. Next time TEKS is revised, that should be addressed! 

Have fun!

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