
Forums / Physical Science / Magnets

Physical Science


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Stacia Brown Stacia Brown 560 Points

In 3rd grade I teach magnets as part of our physical science. However, I can't find many activities or experiments beyond building an electro magnet and pulling metal shavings out of sand and corn flakes. Does anyone have any fun and interesting magnet labs to complete with elementary students? Stacia Brown

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

I did search in the Learning Center search engine at the top right of the screen for "magnetism" and found several resources that might be of help to you. I tried several search terms and this seems to give the best results for your needs. Good luck.

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

Check these lessons out: While the guide specifies that is written for grades 6-9, I have used the mapping a magnetic field activity with younger students at the camp I work for in the summer. I am confident that it could be easily adapted to your needs.

Alix-Anne Bush Alix-Anne Bush 1760 Points

Stacia, I am currently completing a field work at the Maryland Science Center and last week I did an activity that had to do with Lenz's Law. Where magnets repel by changing/flux of electromagnetic fields. It was a lot of fun and one way to tie it to everyday life is explaining how it is used in induction induction cooking (something I learn myself that day). I could not find the same demo the science center did but I did find two videos that demonstrate it: Hope your lesson on magnets works out! Alix-Anne

Alix-Anne Bush Alix-Anne Bush 1760 Points

Stacia, I do not know if you are located in the DC,Maryland,Virginia, and I know that this is short notice, but the University of Maryland College Park hosts a Physics is Phun and this months subject deals with Electricity and Magnetism. I'm sure you could get ideas from the demonstrations. Alix-Anne

Lolita Benitez Lolita Benitez 1580 Points

Im currently a student teacher in a 3rd grade class and these are great ideas to use!!

Kellie Ryan Kellie Ryan 330 Points

Hey Stacia, I have consistently taken the kids outside to an 'earthy' piece of land/soil and they have used their magnets to extracts iron from the soil. The kids love it and they often have more questions about how and why than I could ever formulate.

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