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Distance Learning

How to stay motivated with Distance Learning

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Brittney Lopez Brittney Lopez 570 Points

During this pandemic it has been very hard to stay motivated and engaged using distance learning. I myself have been struggling to keep myself afloat with adapting to zoom instead of in person classroooms. I have recently discoverd ways to keep myself motivated and engaged in my classrooms. The ways I stay motivated are 

1. Keep your camera on - I understand not many students feel comfortable doing this but I learned that it keeps me focused. When my camera is off I am able to leave the chair or use my phone. When I leave my camera on I am able to see my teacher looking at me so it makes me stay seated and focused; I answer questions and perticpate in the activites more. 

2. Print the schedules - most teachers provide us with a schedule to follow for the year. Printing them out and hanging them on a wall will help you keep track of deadlines. It also motivates you when you see how much you have completed. You may be thinking that you are not doing much but seeing how many assignmnets are scratched off allows you to feel acomplished. 

3. SLEEP - During these times I have noticed that I am very tired due to all the stress and overthinking so it is okay to sleep. This year has been tough but there is no need to stress. We are allowed to give outselves breaks! :) 

4. EAT! - In order to have a lot of energy it is important for you to not skip meals! Do not stress over the pandemic or having a lot of work. Our health and well-being is extremely important. 

5. Time Management - Make a schedule of your classess and make sure to include work time and FREE TIME 


Odalys Izaguirre Odalys Izaguirre 430 Points

Hi Brittney, I am totally with you on that one, I do truly believe that if we do keep our cameras off while in a class session we do tend to get distracted a little. I myself am one of them. ever since I began to keep my camera on I do keep myself focus more because I am actually paying attention and just like you mentioned you do participate more and are actively listening. Ever since this whole pandemic happened and we transitioned to fully online has added a lot of stress on me because now we have no face-to-face interactions so it's a little bit harder to communicate with a professor. 

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