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Forums / STEM / What a Person in a STEM Career Needs


What a Person in a STEM Career Needs

Author Post
Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92741 Points

What an interesting speaker! Will there be a way to access her information, Adah?
I did a little search on teaming in the LC. Here is the collection I came up with:
Working With Teams

Theresa Rabogliatti Theresa Rabogliatti 17520 Points

I think another quality to add to the list would be perservance. Things don't always work out the way we want the first time.

Tara McKean Tara McKean 215 Points

Thank you! Conflict Resolution must be important...:)

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92741 Points

I am wondering about passion as a necessary attribute. I want my medical doctors and nurses to be passionate about their work when I am their patient! I want that airline pilot to be the ultimate professional; he/she must be so passionate to get me home or to my destination safely that he/she follows the safety protocols to the letter and has spent countless hours in the simulator and training in the air, too! I want my design engineer for my home to be passionate about creating the most energy efficient, cost-effective blueprint always keeping my family's safety in mind. Carolyn

Stephanie Aldana Stephanie Aldana 4695 Points

What does a person need to have in order to successfully complete a STEM career?

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

Developed by Change the Equation, iON Future - The STEM Career Exploration Game - allows students to explore STEM careers, then play their way to a dream STEM future. There are many careers to choose from, including ecologist, environmental engineer, marine biologist, among others.

James Bright James Bright 4100 Points

I believe students need the opportunity to relax or more specifically deal with high pressure situations without becoming stressed. In our attempts to make lessons STEM, have students enter Lego league, or Skills USA we are not teaching students how to stay calm under pressure. I have used relaxing techniques from theatre to calm my students prior to competition and it works wonders. The techniques are simply visualization and breathing exercises.

Cheryl Putnam Cheryl Putnam 45 Points

An aptitide for observation should be added for a successful STEM/Engineering career.

Marjorie Yergen Marjorie Yergen 753 Points

I will definitely be sharing this information with my STEM science students this fall! Thanks for the re-cap.

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

I just found a youtube channel Women in Stem Video Series Enjoy Vicki Fletcher, a woman within a STEM career, has parlayed her desire to learn into a career she loves. Her ability to connect with key people, learn new technologies, identify opportunities and deliver unexpected value has paved the way for an exciting and fulfilling career. Join me in celebrating Vicki, a woman in STEM.

Marjorie Yergen Marjorie Yergen 753 Points

Oh my gosh...I just watched the introductory video and a second one. AMAZING! My junior high students will love this...they will actually be able to SEE THEMSELVES represented by women in STEM fields. What a gem of a resource. Thank-you so much for posting this link!

Keith Stanek Keith Stanek 1005 Points

STEM is a Natural in a successful science class. Inquiry, hands on to keep students engaged, excites the community through involvement. You can't lose!

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

Here is a nice article from HHMI about underrepresented students in STEM The included video are outstanding

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

Here is another resource for encouraging women in STEM [url=] The Incredible Gen Y Women Who Are Innovating The Future[/url] [url=] Why Aren't More Girls Attracted To Physics?[/url] [url=] STEM Equity & Diversity: A Sisyphean Task [/url]

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68645 Points

Today the National STEM Centre has published a report School organisation and STEM career-related learning. The aim of the research project has been to identify the range of factors that shape senior leadership team decisions with regards to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) career-related learning. Evidence has shown that the support of school senior leaders and their organisation of STEM within the school is highly significant in determining the success of STEM in an individual school. This research points to the importance of management structures within schools which prioritise career-related learning and provide effective support for all teaching staff to play their part. The findings support schools investing in senior teachers to provide career-related learning for pupils. The report goes on to identify the factors influencing senior leaders in taking forward STEM career-related learning across their school. The research was delivered by Ms Hutchinson, of the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby, as one element of the National STEM Centre’s STEM Careers Project. The project includes a range of other activities such as supporting the development of online learning resources for use by the whole school, a review and update of STEM career learning resources, and the further development of the Futuremorph website. Further information can be found at:

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