
Forums / Earth and Space Science / Creating an alien from Pluto

Earth and Space Science

Creating an alien from Pluto

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Susan Rush Susan Rush 775 Points

Hi! So part of one of my classes requires us to create a 3D representation of an alien from an assigned planet. Mine is Pluto. So using a starbucks coffee cup, I painted it black (for it to absorb light for warmth) and will add a a flashlight cord similar to this guy: in the lip of the cup. Any other suggestions to make this thing look more Pluto-like?

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

This certainly looks like an interesting and challenging assignment. For more ideas about Pluto itself you might want to take a look at this NASA website which has lots of information about Pluto. Good luck.

Susan Rush Susan Rush 775 Points

Thank you! I appreciate the link =)

Janice Novello Janice Novello 6985 Points

Perhaps you could have him dress in something that would reflect Pluto's orbit around the sun and distance from the sun

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