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Elementary Science

4th grade science

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Deborah Haddad Deborah Haddad 1550 Points

Does anyone have lessons on nutrition, rocks and minerals, environmental change, sun moon earth, animal adaptations, and electricity and magnetism. These are for a fourth grad classroom. Ideas appreciated. These are for the year and will be divided up.

Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37148 Points


Are the topics you mentioned curriculum units you will be teaching in the fall? I think you might focus on one or two of these topics. You can access great resources right here in the Learning Center for those topics. For example, let's look at electricity and magnetism.
Shoe Box Circuits and Flick A Switch

These are just two of the many resources.


Deborah Haddad Deborah Haddad 1550 Points


Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37148 Points

Would you like some more help developing units? I am willing to assist.

Deborah Haddad Deborah Haddad 1550 Points

I will try doing those this year. Thanks for any help I can get.

Deborah Haddad Deborah Haddad 1550 Points

Thanks! I appreciate it.

Kathy Renfrew Kathy Renfrew 37148 Points

Rocks and Minerals


Deborah Haddad Deborah Haddad 1550 Points

Thanks. That was very helpful. I appreciate it! :)

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Kathy, Thanks for the Rocks weblink. It is a wonderful site I can use in my class with teachers next spring. Betty

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

There are some excellent activities on magnetism and electromagnetism at the NASA THEMIS/ARTEMIS site. This link is to the Exploring Magnetism guide. While it states that it is for grades 6-9, I think that they could be done with younger students. I use some of the activities with campers as young as 7.

Maureen Stover Maureen Stover 41070 Points

Hi Deborah,

You've already been referred to some great websites and lesson ideas form Kathy, Adah, and Chris. Here are a few more places that I've found very helpful in my lesson planning:
- Teachers Pay Teachers is a great website with products that are created by other teachers. You can search by topic, subject, learning resources (i.e. interactive notebooks, smartboards, etc). I've found this website to be very helpful!
- Picture Perfect Science Lessons are a series of books that use picture books to teach inquiry based science lessons. I really love this series because many times I'm trying to squeeze science into our day. I've found great success when I integrate reading and science. The kids love it, and I can teach science concepts during my literacy block!
- Teaching Science through Trade Books is another fantastic resource for integrating reading and science instruction.
- Inquiring Scientists, Inquiring Readers is a great resource for promoting science literacy using non-fiction text resources
- Lawerence Hall of Science at UCal Berkeley is another great resource with fantastic lesson ideas
- The Learning Center Advanced Search tool is another great resource to find lesson plans and teaching resources for almost any topic you can think of in science.

Best of luck as you move into the new year! Be sure to let us know how all your new lessons go! :)


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