
Forums / Elementary Science / Calling on 4th and 5th Grade Teachers in California!

Elementary Science

Calling on 4th and 5th Grade Teachers in California!

Author Post
Rasha Elsayed Rasha Elsayed 40 Points

Dear elementary NSTA members, 

Would you like to help your students become more computer proficient, but would like more training yourself first?  Are you interested in adding computing skills to your existing classroom but are not sure where to start?  If so, please read on… 

North Carolina State University is partnering with WestEd on the InfuseCS Integrated Narrative Writing with Computational Thinking Research Study, a project funded by the National Science Foundation.  The InfuseCS platform is a narrative-centered maker environment that is specifically designed to introduce computational thinking into upper elementary science.  The InfuseCS project will explore best practices to integrate computational thinking, science, and maker skills in 4th and 5th grade classrooms and provide a series of short synchronous and asynchronous online training for participating teachers. 

The research team is looking for 4th and 5th grade teachers in California to test the InfuseCS platform in their classrooms and participate in an online asynchronous professional development series.  As a part of this process, teachers will facilitate the activities within the InfuseCS learning environment, each lasting for up to five 45-minutes, allowing researchers to observe the students using the platform and allow students to answer a few interview questions after the completion of the platform use (focus group interviews). Additionally, as a teacher, participate in an interview with researchers. Additional information about the study is below.  If you would like to participate, please complete the interest form and return it to by January 31st.

Information Flyer 

Informational Video 

Interest Form 

Thank you for your consideration, and please let us know if you have any questions. 

Rasha Elsayed
Research Associate 
Science and Engineering


Tel: 650.381.6476

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