
Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson Plan: Closed circuits

Elementary Science

5E Lesson Plan: Closed circuits

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Cindy Vazquez Cindy Vazquez 870 Points

Hello ! I am currently working on a 5E Lesson plan about closed circuits for 5th grade. My lesson plan's objective is for students to be able to demonstrate that closed circuits can create light, sound, or heat. I was wondering in what ways other than by having them create a closed circuit could they accomplish this? Also what are some good misconceptions or instruction that I should keep in mind? 

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64325 Points

Have you looked into using snap circuits to create your circuits?

My children loved using them when they were young. They are kits that snap together and would be very nice to use as an engagement piece or to elaborate on the topic.  

Another suggestion would be to look at Shoebox Circuits.


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