
Forums / New Teachers / How to Not Get Overwhelmed when Lesson Planning?

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How to Not Get Overwhelmed when Lesson Planning?

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Talia Kelly Talia Kelly 520 Points

Hey y'all, my name is Talia Kelly and I am a student at Missouri Western State University. This semester has been all about lesson planning. I feel extremely overwhelmed with how lesson planning works and the amount of time and energy that gets spent on putting together a lesson plan. Are there any tips or tricks for us newer/future educators?

Ashley Amidei Ashley Amidei 385 Points

Hello! I am also a student at University of South Carolina and this past couple semesters have also been focused on lesson planning in our classes. I understand completely about the amount of work that goes into the planning and how much time is spent. One thing that I have learned though from previous teachers and friends that just graduated our graduate program, is to always utltize teacher's previous work. One thing with technolgoy is the amount of resources we are able to get our hands on. One thing that might ease your stress is to look up previous lesson plans! When we have an assignment, a lot of times that is what I do and I take different ideas and base my lesson off of those. When we become teachers, ask the veteran teachers for their lesson plans! I have heard that time after time again, to ask our mentor teachers for their work to aid in our creation of our lessons. Another good thing to use is a lesson plan template. Somewhere on the internet there has to be a lesson plan outline that allows us to create it in an organized manner according to the standards of your state. It would also be good to ask your professors if they have outlines as well! I hope this helps and eases your stress!

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