
Forums / New Teachers / Approaching difficult parents.

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Approaching difficult parents.

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Laura Vasquez Laura Vasquez 500 Points

Hi everyone I will soon be finishing school, one of my biggest fears I have whenever I start teaching is not be able to react accordingly to a parent who is being difficult or a parents that requires a lot of attention. How does one become ready for a situtation like that?

Ashley Reyna Ashley Reyna 490 Points

Hello Laura, I am actually in the same situation as you but I feel somewhat ready going into the classroom enviornment and ready to deal with all types of parents because I have had the opportunity to work at a the child development center at my university and that has allowed me to get some experience with several types of parents, which is why I am giving you some hopefully usefull adivse. There are several strategies to ease the situation, maintain composure, and even assist parents in reaching an understanding regarding their child's development. The most crucial thing to remember always is to make sure that parents are informed of any difficulties. That was always something that allowed parents to be understanding. 

Lizett Ibarra Lizett Ibarra 470 Points

Hello Laura, in order to deal with a difficult parent I personally would build trust with the parent/guardian in the beggining of the school year to try and avoid this. If I do encounter this I would try to understand them as much as possible but always stay respectful no matter what!

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