
Forums / Elementary Science / New reality

Elementary Science

New reality

Author Post
Casandra Cortes Casandra Cortes 325 Points

Hello my name is Casandra and I am one semester away from completing my education as a Bilingual Educator. I am usually confident in what I do but, now with this new reality we are living in I have my hands tide. I enjoy creating new hands on activity that helps engage the stduents and helps them feel that they are the scientist and im their guide. Online schooling is the new platform for teachers, I am terrified of not being able to engage my students through a screen. Students hesitate to ask quetions during face-to-face classes, how can I engage my future students in the lecture with out losing them in their short attention span and motivate them to ask questions? For my English Language Learners, how can I be asured that they are understanding the content before even reaching to an accessment? 

Thank you for your time and atention!

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