
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Class Managment during experiments

General Science and Teaching

Class Managment during experiments

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Yanelys Gonzalez yanelys gonzalez 300 Points

Class experiments are fun and exciting and I love that my students are engaged in the lesson and they are able to express their excitment to learn but sometimes they can get a little out of hand and need some redirecting. I would like to see it anyone had any tips or ways to redirect students that will still allow them to be excited about learning and be engaged in the lesson. 

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5755 Points

In my laboratory activities, 20% of their grade is based upon professionalism. This works for most students. For those that it doesn't work for, it may take more work to understand why they are being disruptive and addressing that root problem. 

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