
Forums / Elementary Science / Weather Project

Elementary Science

Weather Project

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Mayra Aguilar Mayra Aguilar 580 Points

If anyone is looking for a fun weather project for their classroom, I may have one for you! We finished doing weather and seasons and we were able to do it all together. I am student teaching in a 2nd-grade classroom and they had so much fun, it was rewarding to see how excited they were to see their finished project. We assigned them to make a weather report, similar to what a Meteorologist does on a daily basis. Using a green screen app on our iPads we had them draw up a rough draft of what they would say. They were in groups of 2/3 and each had a job to do. We had a set of required topics that needed to be included in their weather report. We first let them pick what type of storm they wanted to talk about and then they had 2 days to gather their research. They had to include, weather for the day, type of storm, the forecast for the week, the season they were in, what to expect for the next week or so, what clothing you should be prepared to wear, and interesting facts. They loved this project and it turned out so well. They had a week to complete it and the next week we had a popcorn movie day for science where they watched each others' projects while eating popcorn. By far one of my favorite projects thus far!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

I love your project! I also loved that you involved collecting data(math) researching and speaking(ELA) using technology, the science of storms, and you allowed them choices. Win win!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

I forgot to add that I hope when others read this and see this was a class of 2nd graders, they will be inspired to do more with the younger grades. Kudos!

Anna Snowden Anna Snowden 320 Points

Hi Mayra, I enjoyed reading your post. This sounds like a fun and engaging science project. You and your CT really have the students working hard on their projects. Your project does not seem like work at all. The students are active, engaged, learning, discovering and exploring. What is great about your science lesson is that this activity can be used for any grade level. The older the student the more criteria a teacher can implement. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

Stephanie Sarmiento Stephanie Sarmiento 445 Points

It seems like such a great project to do with the students in which they are engaging and having fun!

Bianca Balderas Bianca Balderas 840 Points

Hi Mayra! I think that lesson sounds like such fun! I wonder what the videos came out like, having the green screen technology. This lesson is a great way to get students engaged in finding their own research. Thanks for sharing this idea. This could also be a good presentation to give on a parent night, so that parents could see how much their student has learned and learn from it as well. I was just reading a blog about how some schools have STEM nights for parents, families and the students.

Almadelia Castizo Almadelia Castizo 2815 Points

Hi Mayra, Your project is awesome! I love it. This is very creative for this age group.

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