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Elementary Science

Tips for teaching science for Kindergarten

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Maria Zevallos Maria Zevallos 225 Points

I was wondering if there are any ways or lessons that involve science experiements or hands on activities that kindergarteners can do? Or the best way to be able to teach these types of lessons?

Hannah Roeding Hannah Roeding 2000 Points


Mystery Science is a great free curriculum available to teachers! It includes videos and then hands on activities that go along with the lesson for students to do. It has Kindergarten lessons available that are hands on but always doable for that age level. Some of the extension activities are super awesome too!


Mallory Reynolds Mallory Reynolds 200 Points

Maria, I do not have an specific activities to provide, but with the Kindergarten classes that I have observed, and my Kindergarten summer camp over the summer, they really enjoyed science lessons that were based off of a narative story that we read before hand. One specific one that we did was over insects. The younger students also typically enjoyed seeing chemical reactions taking place. The may not be able to actually conduct the experiment based on what materials you use, but it still keeps them engaged. One activty that may be fun for an end of the year science lesson is showing them how cotton candy is made!

Kaylie Dahlgren Kaylie Dahlgren 2090 Points

As a preservice teacher with a minor in early childhood and major in elementary, I have had tons of experience with students interacting with science. I am currently working with a kindergarten class right now teaching as I am doing science lessons with them. With kinders, they have lots of energy and want to alwasy be moving. I do not have specfic activities but making sure to incoprorate movement and 'getting the sillies out' when you want them to sit is extremely important for effective learning. 

Kathleen Maura Kathleen Maura 373 Points


I completely understand how you feel. It must be so exhausting dealing with the little ones and trying to get them to stay still and understand the concept of the experiment. 

I've been doing some research on this (because we ALL know what happens to the new (just graduated) teachers- they are most likely put into a Kindergarten classroom. 

I found a few websites that you may find useful. 



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