
Forums / Early Childhood / Strategies For Easily Distracted Students

Early Childhood

Strategies For Easily Distracted Students

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Rosemary Rodriguez Rosemary Rodriguez 250 Points

Hello everyone, Does anybody know any strategies that I can implement in a classroom of children that are easily distracted when it comes about doing hands-on activities?? How can I keep them from getting distracted??

Henry Campos Henry Campos 695 Points

Hello, There are different ways you can approach this situation. first I would keep reminding students the proper procedures of doing things in the classroom. For example,at my school we use CHAMPS. For every activity we conduct as a class, we have to remind the about CHAPMS. That is just as reminder of the expectations they have in the classroom as well in the school. If you have a specific student that keeps getting distracted, try to find something that motivates him. When you find that one thing that they love, try to come up with deals you and the student can make. For example, you can say, "X lets make a deal, if you stay focused and finish your work, you can come and have lunch with me tomorrow, but you have to prove to me that you deserve it. They usually love having lunch with teachers. I hope this helps. Good luck!!

Aranay Garza Aranay Garza 200 Points

Hello. Guiding the students through the activity step by step can be of great help. This can keep them from getting distracted easily and focused on the activity. By doing this you can also keep track of the students who are following instructions and the ones that are not.

Erika Padilla Erika Padilla 805 Points

Hello. That sounds like a great idea! I think this is a great way to keep students from getting distracted easily as well as help any student who requires extra support. I'm currently a student teacher, and I have seen some teachers in my ST semester as well as when I was doing observations my previous semesters read through the instructions once and left the students to work after that. Many students still looked a bit confused and many looked bored. It was really sad to see as the teacher would get frustrated while the students became aggitated or confused when there was no step-by-step support. Thank you for sharing this. I hope to successfully apply this in the future!

Tavi Quintanilla Tavi Quintanilla 70 Points

Hello, Other strategies I've found helpful are having a warm up at the beginning of class to get students in the school mode while having fun. Use movement in order to maintain children focused. Kids like moving around and talking. Combining both lectures and movement result in fun activities for kids. Especially with they are small students use short clear instructions since they generally have a shorter attention span. Hope this helps,

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