
Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson: Characteristics of Animals TEK 2.10A

Elementary Science

5E Lesson: Characteristics of Animals TEK 2.10A

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Jennifer Augustyn Jennifer Augustyn 785 Points

Attached is my first draft of my lesson plan for my first semester of student teaching in the second grade. I would love to hear some feedback, advice, or suggestions on activities that could support my 'explain' part of my lesson plan.

5E Lesson: Characteristics of Animals

Feel free to reply to this post with your comments! 

Anything will help this student teacher! Thanks!

-Jennifer Augustyn


Kim Ly Kim Ly 570 Points

I  saw the questions that you wanted to ask and they were great! I might suggest adding something like putting an animal to another habitat and asking them would they be able to survive or obtain their basic needs? 

Such as asking would a lion be able to survive in the ocean?  And what characteristic would a lion need to survive in the ocean. (Don't have to use this example but this is a silly question that might have the children thinking!) (No, the lions won't be able to breathe, it would need gills or The lion won't be able to swim very well, it needs fins)

Veronica Perez Veronica Perez 815 Points

I really enjoyed the organization of your lesson plan. I believe the students will have fun with it because I had fun with your preview during the peer teach. Just keep in mind about how you will manage the game of Kahoot. I would suggest having the iPads ready for them to immediately jump in the game. I would hate for it to be like my previous lesson where all the students are fighting about team names and not having their own device. Also, make sure the screens on the iPads are on a locked screen. The kids tend to flip them in all sorts of ways and it somehow triggers a few of the iPads to freeze or run slow.  

Jennifer Augustyn Jennifer Augustyn 785 Points

Thanks for you all's input, it helped! :)

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