Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / STEM / Stem & 5Es


Stem & 5Es

Author Post
Aleksandra Kijowska Aleksandra Kijowska 478 Points

How can I incorporate STEM and the 5Es into a lesson plan on weather? Does anyone have any good ideas?!

Jennifer Ortiz Jennifer Ortiz 416 Points

Hi Aleks! Weather is a broad topic to teach. There is so much you can teach about and spread to create a unit lesson. Take for example, when students are learning about tornados and other natural disasters, you can ENGAGE students into learning about these by a discrepant event. Students can then research and create their own designs and presentations through technology and provide information to their classmate on a natural process of the Earth. Students can use Math and Science to provide statistical information and data. Students may also use engineering aspect of STEM to design a home best suited for these types of natural disasters. There are countless possibilities to include STEM within lesson plans regarding weather!

Diane Bendik Diane Bendik 1557 Points

Aleks, I found this its a great guide for an infographic! Although the contents inside are for a price the picture itself helps and I don't think paying for it is worth it. Anyways, Engagement includes an introduction without the immediate use of a video. Students can be asked to log onto a specific online inquiry investigation. For explore, students can rotate in science stations. So since your topic has to do with weather maybe introducing the water cycle and what stage rain occurs after evaporation and so on. Explanation have the students do a comprehension worksheet where they read the passage individually and then get in a group. Elaboration this is were you can add more STEM stuff. Technology specifically, through digital websites exploring weather patterns or conditions around the world. Evaluation Formative assessment like walking around with a clipboard and checking whether each student is using the terms in their discussion or writing. An exit slip does not hurt either. Well there goes the 5 E's!

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