
Forums / General Science and Teaching / Magnetism and classroom management.

General Science and Teaching

Magnetism and classroom management.

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Joanna Flores joanna flores 300 Points

Hi guys! I am currently working on a 5E lesson plan on the physical properties of matter, more specifically magnetism. For my 'explore' portion of my lesson, I have decided to provide my students with various types of materials such as toothpicks, pennies, paper clips, etc. I want my students to experiment with the different objects and let me know what they have observed. However my question deals a little more with classroom management. I am wondering if I should place all of the objects in a 'mystery box' so that the students are able to pick an object randomly, or if I should just place all of the objects in front of them?

Megan Doty Megan Doty 11847 Points

Hi Joanna,

I think either of these could work, depending on your ultimate goal for the lesson. If you used a 'mystery box' that students couldn't see through, they wouldn't be able to pick up the non-magnetic materials - you'd have to reveal them at the end of this stage and start a discussion about why they are still in the box. Placing all of the objects out would allow for more individual exploration. 

I would also think about setting up stations around the room, and having students explore one object at each station.

Let me know how you decide to move forward!


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