
Forums / New Teachers / Force and Motion in Kindergarten

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Force and Motion in Kindergarten

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Tobi Forren Tobi Forren 470 Points

Hi all! 

I am currently student teaching in a kindergarten classroom. I have started to write a lesson on force and motion, but I know there are so many resources out there that could make my lesson even better. 

Do any of you amazing people know good resources to help keep all of my kindergarteners engaged while still teaching them everything that they need to know?

Thank you so much!

Tobi Forren

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Sheep in a Jeep! The book is hilarious and has rhyming words. You can use that to engage them and have the laugh at how silly the sheep are in the story. Get some toy cars/trucks that you can put plastic animals in and set up different challenges that mirror what happens in the story. It's a great way to differentiate between push and pull. There are lots of questions to ask during this exploration. 

Tobi Forren Tobi Forren 470 Points

Thank you so much! I will look into this book.

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