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Elementary Science

Writing Strategies for Science

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Haley Jackson Haley Jackson 570 Points

What are various ways that writing could be incorporated into a science lesson or experiment?

Brooke Messinger Brooke Messinger 740 Points

Writing can be incorporated into a science lesson or experiment in many ways! You could have students write lab reports, its not too early for this. One of my favorite things is interactive science notebooking. This is where students could keep track of observations, experiments, and results. You can also provide the student with various resources that they can put inside their interactive science notebooks! Students can make these notebooks their own and decorate the front cover which they love! You could also do a science picture of the day activity where you provide students with a real life science photo and they have to write about the observations that they notice in the picture. Students can also use this time to write about any questions that they have pertaining to the science photo and what they would like to know about the topic. 


Carla Neely Carla Neely 324 Points

Students could create informational posters or books about a science topics learned in class. A rubirc could be created so that a grade could be taken for sciecne and writing. As a first grade teacher, I am always looking at ways to intergrate sciecne and social studies with ELA related topics. They can all cohesively go together. 

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