
Forums / Earth and Space Science / Rocks Lesson

Earth and Space Science

Rocks Lesson

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Tracie O'Keefe Tracie O'Keefe 780 Points

Last week I taught my lesson on rocks to my students. I started off with definition cards with pictures and examples to help them to better understand the different types of rocks. I also front loaded information about rocks before I presented the actual lesson by using our science textbook during reading center time. In the teacher group, we read the chapter on rocks, took notes, and completed the questions and venn diagram to compare the different types of rocks. I also supplemented my lesson with an animation on how rocks are made from Discovery Education and also showed them a short video to help enforce the vocabulary words that we learned from the definition cards. Over several days, I brought in different types of rocks and minerals to show them how they actually look like. We also had daily discussions on the different types of rocks. They are now working on their assessment. I can see that they know so much more about rocks now compared to before the lesson was taught. Some of the students also brought in rocks and minerals that they have at home. I hope they enjoyed learning about rocks.

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Sounds like you gave your students all kinds of experiences with rocks!! I am attaching an assessment probe that you might find useful in your rocks unit. Good luck.


Jennifer Rahn Jennifer Rahn 67955 Points

As a former geologist, I love that you are connecting kids with the Earth. I hope that you introduced the rock cycle, and perhaps even had your kids make their own 'rocks.'

If you would like to delve into this topic a little deeper, I would like to recommend a couple of NSTA collections. I don't recall if you have elementary or middle school student. The first is Rocks: Middle, primarily for middle scool students, although many of the activities might be appropriate for younger students. The second is Rocks: Elementary, most appropriate for early grades.

I'm glad you had such a good time with your students. Teaching about rocks can be a challenge because they are inanimate, and students find it hard to identify with them, especially because they usually cannot see them grow and change.

Dorothy Ginnett Dorothy Ginnett 28240 Points

I teach Geology (high school) and also recommend that you look at the NSTA Rocks Sci Guide for teaching ideas about rocks.

Students also really enjoy playing detective to identify rocks and minerals themselves.
They can successfully identify some sample rocks and minerals with simple and inexpensive tools (magnifying lens, identification sheets, and for minerals - small streak plates, glass plates, penny, etc.)


Dorothy Ginnett Dorothy Ginnett 28240 Points

Hi Tracie -

Your students might enjoy some music to help them review and learn Rock Cycle material.
Check out the Rock Cycle Song by Mr. Parr on You Tube

Rock Cycle Song

By Mr. Parr.
lyrics sung to the tune of Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts


David Hanke David Hanke 2395 Points

I teach a senior level Earth Sci class but it is a lower level class. Is there a good field guide that they can use to help them identify rocks? Thanks! David

Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64325 Points

Hi David, I have my Earth Science class use The Complete Illustrated Guide to Minerals, Rocks, and Fossils of the World, by John Farndon and Steve Parker. It is a wealth of information and the images are great.

Pamela Auburn Pamela Auburn 68625 Points

I have put together several collections you might find useful on rocks. Please find these attached

Rock Cycle Collection (5 items)
- User Uploaded Resource
- User Uploaded Resource
- User Uploaded Resource
Rocks and Minerals Collection (11 items)
- User Uploaded Resource
- User Uploaded Resource
- User Uploaded Resource
Kathryn Borton Kathryn Borton 350 Points

I love this activity. Works great as a concrete representation for students to recall back too.

Kimberly Olson Kimberly Olson 495 Points

Hi Dorothy, Thank you for sharing the rock cycle video!I am currently working on a unit plan and one of the lessons is on the rock cycle. I think the video is an excellent way to engage student learning. Thanks! Kim

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