Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


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Google Trends & STEM

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Bill Kuhl Bill Kuhl 2190 Points

Recently I did some web searches using the Google Trends web utility because I was curious what search data might show for terms related to the projects on my website and STEM education in general. My observation from the summer class I have been teaching is that the interest has diminished somewhat over the last few years although the traffic to my website is higher than it has ever been.

This short article will show some of the graphs:

For STEM spelled out the graph is pretty level until 2011 then it starts going up. September 2013 there is a huge spike and then it goes gradually up. “STEM education” starts a gradual climb upwards in 2007 until a peak the goes up and down until the present.

Graphs for the types of projects I have done such as mousetrap cars and water rockets shows a decline over the years.

Bill Kuhl Bill Kuhl 2190 Points

As had been suggested to me I changed the course title this year to STEM DIY Projects, enrollment has more than doubled from last year. I guess there is really something in a name. Bill Kuhl

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Hi Bill, I lost all of my links to favorites when my computer was reimaged. Will you please post the URL to your website again? Thank you. Sandy

Bill Kuhl Bill Kuhl 2190 Points

Hi Sandy I would be happy to post the link:

I have been experimenting again with Lego Robotics and started on a webpage for that.

Bill Kuhl

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