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What is the best way to keep students motivated to keep wanting to engage and learn during the class?

Nathaniel Siler Nathaniel Siler 2480 Points


The single thing that you can begin to do to keep students engaged is instead of just feeding them information and telling them ideas and concepts, question them. Even the students who may not verbally seem to be participating, when posed with a question that they don't have an immediate answer, research shows that they engage. For example, a question like 'what is the anatomical name for our thighbone?'--that isn't a really engaging question to teach the word femur, but if you asked 'Leaving our vertebrae and cranium aside, what do you think would be the worst bone in your body to break?'; a question like that get gears turning. 

In conclusion, try to teach with questioning, not lecturing.

Osneyda Escamilla Osneyda 450 Points

Hello Yeraldin, 

There are several ways to keep students motivated hopefuly on of these helps you:

  • setting clear goals
  • knowing their background knowlege
  • presenting content creatively or in a unique way
  • rewards
  • technology
  • hands-on-activities
  • encouraging group work
  • deliver feedback in a positive manner
  • having positive relationships with each student individual

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