
Forums / Elementary Science / Engaging Students

Elementary Science

Engaging Students

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Chloie Quinn Chloie Quinn 230 Points

As a student who is studying to be a future educator, how do you keep students engaged in the classroom during science? Motivation and interaction are key to engagement, according to studies, but how do you motivate the students and encourage interaction? Thanks!! 

Emilie Shores Emilie Shores 190 Points

I'm also still in school to become an educator, so I don't have much experience in the classroom yet. However, from what I have seen so far, students in elementary grades actually really enjoy science and are eager to learn more about it. Young students are still building their understanding of the world, and have so many 'why's' and 'how's'. When these questions are answered through interactive science activities that are relevant to their interests and past expereines, they are absolutely mind blown. It really excites me to start teaching science when I see that in my classroom observations.

Kelsey Moya Kelsey Moya 80 Points

I also agree with Emilie! I'm also going to be a future educator and from what I learned and seen is that the students engage more when science comes to life! They become memorized when doing experiemtns life glowing water, or how specific items float or sink. When the students are part of the experiement they are more eager to learn about it! 

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