
Forums / New Teachers / First Time Teaching Science

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First Time Teaching Science

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Jennifer Rangel Jennifer Rangel 460 Points

Hello, I want to see if you can share your science teaching experiences with me. I want to make science fun and exciting for my future students. Thanks in advance. 

B G Brooke Goulas 340 Points

Hello Jennifer, 

I am new to teaching science. I actually am doing student teaching right now but I feel like sharing my experience is important because I am teaching the classes on my own. I still have a lot to learn, but so far I have found ways to make science fun and exciting. One thing I noticed is having students collaborate as much as possible. From my experience so far, I notice that students perform better in group work activities. One student in particular was very shy and worried about speaking out loud to the class. Once I put her in groups, I noticed that she became more confident and wanted to share her ideas more. I also noticed her grades increase when she worked with others. She slowly is becoming more confident and has become more conversational over the past few weeks. One thing that I liked during my lesson this week was I had students help me teach! Isn't that cool? I would have students come up and help me share ideas with the class, write on the board, and speak to others while standing next to me in front of the class. It's little things like that, that keep the students engaged. The best part is they all wanted to help me. How awesome! 


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